Wednesday, July 31, 2019

KFC Corporation – Introduction Strategy in Malaysia

KFC corporation is one of establish company in Malaysia. This company served a yummy snack of fast food to people in the world. A delicious fried chicken is becoming everyone’s favorites from it first introduce until now. KFC also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken is a brand and operating segment called a concept of Yum! Brands since 1997 when that company was spun off from PepsiCo. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches while its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken product, side dishes and dessert.KFC has come up with several strategies to position its company. The strategies are marketing mix. Marketing mix is generally accepted as the use and specification of the four P’s describing the strategic position of a product in the marketplace. The 4 P’s are product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Product is divided into categories like Product variation, Product differentiation, product innovatio n and product elimination. For the price it is subdivided into cost recovery pricing, penetration pricing and price skimming. For the place, the categories are distribution channel, direct sales, indirect sales and E-commerce. Promotion is categorized into individual communication, mass communication, brand management and corporate identity.Product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy. In term of KFC, the main product is fried chicken served in various forms. KFC’s primary product is pressure fried chicken made with the original recipe. The other chicken offering garlic marinade and double dipping the chicken in flour before deep frying in a standard industrial kitchen type machine. KFC served its product according to geographic needs of customer. In India KFC focuses how geographically its customer demand different product. In North India Chicken is the main selling product while in the South Vegetables items sell more than chicken.Other than that, KFC also has come up with strategy like product innovation, dedifferentiation, and product variation. To promote the customer with their  product, KFC always create a new product or they make an innovation to the old product. For example, in a time people is crazy about K-pop, KFC realize the chance then they innovate old recipe fried chicken into a new recipe. K-pop Fried Chicken is pored with a spicy sweet sauce. The taste is very delicious and customer make want it again after try it for very first time.KFC has strengthen its marketing strategy with location as part of their strategy. They had choose a strategic location for their franchise or outlet. The strategies of KFC are ‘Free Home Delivery Strategy† where they target on people who is very busy or having a hectic life. They provide free home delivery to offices and homes. Another target areas of KFC are country of hectic lifestyle and individual who are going for fast food. KFC has target to the people in urban areas. Urban areas are more populated therefore help with attracting higher revenues. Urban people tend to choose higher quality of food compare to people from rural areas. KFC has strategy to place its outlet. All the outlet of KFC is near to the school, offices, colleges, cinemas and market and mostly populated by the young and those who are in hurry. The benefits of the location make KFC enjoys a large number of footfalls everyday. In addition they also have outlets close to non vegetarians customer.Price is any amount of money that customer have to pay while purchasing the product. More broadly, price is the sum of all the values that consumers exchange for benefits of having or using the product or services. The price is depend on the demographic factors, and economically factor. For demographic factor, the key factor is age, gender, and Household size. Generally there is no age limit focus by the KFC. The target and focus is on each and every individual in a society KFC find its larg est demographic in the young of any society.The price is affordable for from upper class to middle class or to a student of any society. Household size play a vital role in the demographic factor. Generally they target whole families rather than single persons . This being the reason for the Family Meals which are basically bundled item served at a nominally cheaper rate. Economic factors has several factors to be consider. They are income and consumption  behavior. Income is an important key factor for KFC. This factor decides which class is to be targeted. In the early rise of KFC, they focused on the upper class but slowly are introducing economy meals that attract the lower to the middle classes. For consumption behavior, it estimates the behavior of people liking and disliking towards the pricing of the product.KFC has implemented several pricing strategy like market skimming, competition, and cost based. KFC globally enters the market using market skimming. Their product are priced high and target the middle to upper class people. Gradually they trick down the price focusing on the middle to lower class people to penetrate both sides of the market. Pricing base competitor is focus on the price of competitor product. If competitor sell the same product with much lower price, they also need to lower the price. In the case of KFC, FIED Chicken is its main selling point controls a monopoly over the Indian fast food market. It prices its burgers, French fries and soft beverages with relation to its competitors.Cost based is the pricing strategy to keep their product in different point of view. Pricing of the product includes the government tax and excise duty and then comes the final stage of determine the price of their product. The products are bit high priced according the market segment and it is also comparable to the standard of their produc . In the cost based method we include the variable fixed method.To place the position of its company, KFC has a dvertise and promote the product through Sales promotion, Advertising, Public Relations, Events and Experiences, Coupons, Discounts, and Bundled Packages. Promotion is the method used to inform and educate the chosen target audience about the organization and its product. At KFC, promotion is the main tool to bring all chicken lovers towards its delicious one of a kind product, the Fried Chicken. KFC has using reminder advertisement. The company has use a slogan of finger linking good† as a wake up call to the consumer to remind them how good they felt the last time they ate KFC chicken.Sponsorship is another important tool to strengthen an organizations image. KFC has become a  sponsorship man to Australia Cricket Team and the colonel logo can be seen on their uniform throughout the matches. Other tools used by KFC to enhance their sales are premiums, exhibits, coupons and entertainment. All KFC outlets offer its customers with various form of incentives to buy its Chicken. Using coupon that one acquire after spending of fixed time, customers can enjoy the benefits of free meal or add ons. Additionally they provide meal vouchers and exciting offers in their print ads which bring the customer must cut and bring along.Other great advertising of KFC is the logo of Smiling Colonel. The logo is probably the moist recognized face in the world. Everyone knows the logo. When see the logo , we surely think about KFC. The logo of finger licking good is always appear on TV, billboards, flyers and radio. The concept of showing a customer deeply involved in devouring his piece of chicken usually turns on the drool factory in everybody mouth and makes them rush to the nearest KFC.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A biased essay Essay

A biased essay can diminish the writer’s reliability in the reader’s eye. Reliability is what makes a writer’s word reliable. If a writer fails to address the other side of an argument or concern, which they feel strongly, by paying no attention to it or by dismissing it, it is less likely that a reader will give their essay any credibility. â€Å"Acknowledging points of view different from your own also has the effect of fostering more credibility between you and the audience.† (McLean, S., 2011, p. 311). Furthermore, presenting a biased view in an essay can make the essay vulnerable to question on whether its views are effective or not. The idea is that if the writer’s view is biased, the rest of the essay may also have issues. A way we can prevent bias is to use multiple sources of information and compare them with each other. In addition, we must be unbiased and not noticeably favor one specific point of view. Writing for Success. Retrieved from McLean, S., COM/155 – University Composition and Communication website. How do you feel about using I in an academic essay? What issues arise with the use of I in an academic essay, and how can you prevent it? In my opinion, I believe the use of the letter â€Å"I†, in an academic essay, should be allowed sparingly and dependent upon what the writer is attempting to address. If the writer has personal knowledge of a topic or a project they have conducted themselves, then my question would be, â€Å"Why not?† The purpose of an academic essay is for the writer/student to demonstrate their personal knowledge and growth is it not? Therefore, by addressing the writer as a source it would give them credibility in their essay. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay However, I do understanding how incorporating the letter â€Å"I† in an essay changes the subject of a sentence to that of the writer. This pulls the attention away from the subject and towards that of the writer essentially creating bias by directing attention to the writer’s personal points of view. Removing the letter â€Å"I† from a sentence can prevent this from occurring, which allows the subject to remain the topic of the sentence, consequently separating the subject from that of the writer. What are some of the benefits of regular physical activity? Why is physical activity important and how might it improve health and wellness? There are many things people can do for their health. However, one of the most important things they can do is engage in regular physical activity. Previously, I have associated physical activity as a weight management tool. However, I have come to learn that physical activity goes far beyond weight management. A person who includes physical activities in their daily life has fewer chances of serious physical and mental ailments. As learned through this course, maintaining a consistent physical activity regiment can lessen our risk for contracting diseases and improve our overall health. In addition, maintaining regular physical activity can prevent us from contracting several health problems including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, stress, etc. Furthermore, consistently working out and maintaining a well-balanced diet can improve all aspects of life (Donatelle, R.J., 2011). If we take responsibility for our own health by maintaining a physically active lifestyle, we can improve our lives immensely. Reference: Donatelle, R.J. (2011). Health. Retrieved from Donatelle, R.J., SCI/162 – Principles of Health and Wellness website. What is one factor that has contributed to the global increase in obesity? Describe this factor in detail and explain why the factor puts individuals at risk for becoming obese. One factor I find intriguing is the genetic factors associated with obesity. â€Å"Over 250 gene markers have shown positive association to obesity in over 400 separate studies.† (Donatelle, R.J., 2011, p. 295). This was shocking because my entire life, I have been told that genetics has nothing to do with obesity. I have struggled with weight management my entire life. I swore my fluctuating weight was attributed to genetics. My mother is slightly overweight as is my grandmother. In addition, I have an identical twin brother with whom I share identical features from large ears to a large waistline. Sure, my weight has fluctuated throughout the years, but I have consistently been heavier than most. I do lose weight when I maintain a rigorous workout plan, but as soon as I stop, the weight comes back immediately. Because genetics are an uncontrollable factor of obesity, I believe this puts individuals at an extremely high risk of obesity. Weight management by way of physical activity can help to prevent the effects of obesity. However, it is up to the individual to implement a regiment that works for them. Reference: Donatelle, R.J. (2011). Health. Retrieved from Donatelle, R.J., SCI/162 – Principles of Health and Wellness website. In what situations are compare-and-contrast essays effective? When would that style be ineffective? What is the difference? Explain. I believe compare-and-contrast essays are most effective when two subjects are similar however if small differences are discovered about the subject, the reader’s opinion would be changed. The reason why you would conduct a compare-and-contrast essay is to identify the differences of the two subjects and persuade the reader into sympathizing with your view. In addition, this rhetorical mode of writing can be used to compare the likenesses of two subjects or to contrast the differences of two subjects. A compare-and-contrast essay would not be effective if we want to write about how our day went. The most effective way to write about how our day went would be a narration essay. The difference is that if we are narrating somet hing, we are telling a story or narrating an incident or series of incidents. In addition, we are not comparing or contrasting the subject as we would in a compare-and-contrast essay. Students often argue that since they are expressing their point-of-view that they have to use first person. Traditionally, in an academic piece of writing, this is frowned upon. One of the reasons is that using first person actually will make a statement seem less confident. Why do you think this is so? Whenever I read something written by an individual who is not affiliated with an accredited source, I immediately form an opinion that the information they are trying to relay is biased. This is because the individual has identified himself or herself as the reliable source of information by identifying himself or herself in the first person pronoun â€Å"I.† In academic writing, our peers already know we are developing a topic from a personal view, which does not require the need to identify our personal point of view. Therefore, when we continuously identify our opinion as the only opinion, it makes us sound less confident about our work. These are wholly unnecessary in academic writing because your academic peers already accept that you are developing your topic from a subjective perspective—one that you will explain and support by way of a scholarly method. When you habitually draw attention to the fact that your writing is â€Å"only your opinion,† it reads as a lack of confidence in your own ideas or in your abilities to discuss them persuasively. Yet one more reason they are inappropriate is that they turn academic prose into narrative prose, using a first-person point of view. Suddenly, the reader is made aware of an unreliable narrator who’s conveying the intellectual content as though it’s part of a story. Again, academic readers demand that the intellectual content of the prose be showcased, and that the ego behind it not assert itself and cross the objective distance readers demand as a matter of protocol What are some obstacles that prevent individuals from getting regular physical activity? How can you overcome these obstacles? Some obstacles include a lack of time, lack of knowledge about how to exercise, a lack of inclination. You can overcome these obstacles by scheduling your time better, learning about exercise, and changing yourself to desire better health. One of the most common reasons that prevent individuals from conducting physical activity is a lack of time. For me, being able to find time to work out is difficult because I work long hours and have family responsibilities that require my attention. However, through my courses here at University of Phoenix, I have learned how to develop time management techniques and schedules, which have become useful in developing a routine. Another thing that prevents individuals from getting regular physical activity is, not knowing how to work out properly. Some people are afraid of receiving injury because of poor techniques used while working out. However, the risk of injuries because of working out far outweighs the risk of contracting a health related issues because of not working out. The effect of not leading a physically active lifestyle has long-term effects that can be far more dangerous than an injury sustained while working out. Class, what are some ways you’ve found meal planning to be helpful? What I have found to be helpful with meal planning is that I do not open myself up to temptation; temptations such as fast food establishments that look appealing and are probably not a healthy choice. When I develop a meal plan, I am less likely to eat unhealthy foods. Here in California, we have a Fresh & Easy grocery store, which sells pre-made food in single servings. I have found this store to be amazing. I am often faced with last minute phone calls to report to work as such I am unable to make a lunch. Now I just grabbed a pre-made salad or sandwich and I am off. Not only does this save me time, but also money because I do not purchase other items and it reduce food waste. The more you practice your writing, the better off you are and the more you will learn. As the old saying goes, â€Å"practice makes perfect!† Eventually, using the right word form will become common knowledge and second nature to you. When I got out of high school, I had a hard time with proper word form, amongst other things. Like most young adults, I did not pay as much attention as I should have in English class. However, I was lucky enough to get into a career where I write on a daily basis. Through trial and error, I learned the difference between â€Å"there† and â€Å"their,† as well as the other word forms. In addition, when I read, I tend to focus on words that I have not seen before and try to figure out their meaning by reading the word in the sentence. So, continue to practice your writing and read, and eventually you will know the difference! we, us, our, they, them, ours. What are gender-free pronouns? Provide three suggestions how to solve using biased language in your writing? Some gender-free pronouns include we, us, our, they, them, their, ours, etc. In writing, the use of gender-free pronouns is important to avoid biased language. Before this course, I never really knew how biased others might have understood my writing. For that reason, the most important way to avoid using biased language in our writing is to be aware that it exists. Another way is to avoid using masculine or feminine pronouns such as â€Å"he† and â€Å"she.† In addition, avoiding the use of pronouns all together in a sentence can alleviate biased language. Furthermore, alternating male and female examples such as â€Å"he† and â€Å"she† throughout a sentence can also alleviate biased language. Jessica, You pointed out some great information and I agree with you. When I was younger, I use to love playing outside with my brothers, riding my bike, and enjoying the outdoors. I truly believe that the invention of video games and other technologies such as computers and internet access is taking the youth out of our children. However, I believe we as parents are to blame for this. We are the enablers that give them these devices and allow them to utilize these devices freely. Sure we can put restriction on how long they can use the device, but unless we follow-up to ensure these restrictions are being adhered to; we truly will never influence our children to be active. Hey Lee, What I have found to be most motivating to me is my daughter. Every time I think to myself that I do not need to work out, I look at my daughter and realize I want to live longer. As morbid as that may sound, I know that by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and working out, I can extend my lifespan as long as I do not get ran over by a car on my jog. What this says to me is when a person makes a goal of losing weight, having a year long plan at minimum and incorporating exercise at the start of the diet are two key strategies to incorporate. Class, What are your thoughts? I agree with starting a yearlong program and incorporating a diet plan with it. Throughout my life, I have started several weight loss programs many of which have not worked for me. I attribute much of my failures to laziness on my part. However, none of the weight loss programs I have conducted involved a diet plan and they definitely did not last longer than a year. Whenever I have conducted a weight loss program in the past, if I did not see any visible results within a couple months, I quit. I believe that if I were to have incorporated a diet plan in conjunction with an exercise routine, I would have seen visible results, which would have kept me motivated. Class, What are your experiences with morning vs afternoon workouts? I have definitely had my share of both morning and afternoon workouts. Personally, working out in the morning is far better than working out in the afternoon. My energy levels are much higher in the morning and I feel like I get a better work out because of this. When I work out in the afternoon, I feel sluggish because I have been working all day and I can only concentrate on hurrying home. This is usually because I have not seen my family all day and I want to spend time with them. As a result, this is a psychological disadvantage of working out in the afternoon for me. Edward, That is great! Keep up the good work! Another thing that I have found to be fun and interesting is to add new words that I have not seen before and I incorporate them into a sentence. As I previously mentioned, I write quite a bit at work and as such, my coworkers and I pick a â€Å"word-of-the-day† to incorporate in our reports. Obviously, the word must be pertinent to the report and flow. This is a fun and easy way to add words to your vocabulary. Try it out next time you write a response and avoid â€Å"monotony.† Look it up its fun! You have some very good points Danny and I agree that we must make sure that our sources are reliable. We need to do this in order to prove that our writings are authentic as well. Without being credible and reliable our papers will have nothing. Our papers would be basically our own thoughts and opinions with zero evidence. I just wrote a paper for one of our last classes and had to cite things (which I have never had to do before) and it was for some reason a lot harder than what I thought it would be. Crystal, Like you, I have never cited any work prior to taking these courses here at University of Phoenix. It is getting easier, but I still find this difficult. One of the many things I have found to be most difficult was determining when to cite and when not to. In addition, I didn’t know how to cite material obtained from a textbook, newspaper, website, etc. After reading some of our course materials, I realized it’s better to cite material even if it’s not required. Initially, my biggest fear was that I would not cite the material correctly. However, I found the citation generator in the University Library to be very helpful. I’m sure you have tried this by now, but if not it’s great! This helped me to organize the citations and become more confident in my work.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Models of Organized Crime Executive Summary Essay

Within the criminal justice field there are two different types of organizations and those organizations are called bureaucratic and patron-client organizations. Now, throughout this paper the team is going to discuss the many different reasons as to why and how the bureaucratic and patron-client organizations are different. With that being said, some of the basic differences are basically the fact that the patron-client organizations are basically referred to as the organizations that choose to break the law and on the other hand, the bureaucratic organizations are the ones that are there to enforce it. Even though there are many differences between these two organizations there are also some things that they have in common. This paper will identify so many more ways that make these two unique types of organizations different. The Patron-Client ModelThe difference between patron-client model and bureaucratic model is that patron -client organizations are operated by an individual who is considered as the â€Å"boss.† The organization is structured as a family who has a tight bond and demonstrates trust and loyalty to each other. According to Collins 1975, â€Å"patrimonial elites are more ceremonious and personalistic† (Abadinsky, 2007). The role of the patron (boss) is to â€Å"provide economic aid and protection for the client, in return the client shows appreciation by performing necessary duties that are order by the patron. The patron controls the resources of the business and sets up all contact meetings for the client. Within the patron-client model the patron has the power to generate income by networking with other clients who are involved in criminal activities such as, drug trafficking, fraudulent activities and money laundering. A particular geographic area or industry is dominat ed by the patron and his organization. He also has a network of informants and connections, with the police and other officials and with those who are involved in specialized criminal operatives (Abadinsky, 2007). The Bureaucratic ModelWhile assuming that in the world crime things are done the same and the goals are the same for all involved, but this is not the case. The bureaucratic model runs like a cooperation that has CEO’s down to the line workers. In the bureaucratic model they deal with crime on a larger scale and maintain members from a selective group. Unlike the patron-client  model they are not necessarily related to the members and establish close relationships. Responsibilities are usually carried out in an impersonal manner and they maintain an extensive division of labor (Abadinsky, 2007). The orders come from the top and are distributed to the next in command to enforce the orders. Everyone has his or her place in the business and are recruited based on the skill level (Abadinsky, 2007). The hierarchy is one of the main operations of the business. Each member must understand the chain of command in order to carry out the task at hand without question. Once an organization has grown to a size that requires more persons qualified to carry out the expectations the operations develops standard rules and regulations. These are essential for the structure of the organization to run smoothly and every member of the organization will know how the duties are to be carried out. In the event that a member violates the rules the organization will not simply fire them but they will eliminate the person. The organization cannot afford to have a former member expose the operation; this would create a level of venerability for the group and the chance of apprehension is emanate. In conclusion, a patron-client network or organization is one of two contrasting organizational models; the other would be the bureaucratic/corporate model. This paper has discussed the differences between the two models. To recap, â€Å"Patrimonial/patron-client networks characterize most American Mafia groups and the military is an example of a bureaucratic organization and a bureaucracy is the mode of organization that is essential for efficiently carrying out large-scale tasks and Patrimonial/Patron-Client Networks fear of compromised communications makes many aspects of the bureaucratic model impractical for criminal organizations† (Abadinsky, 2007). Understanding organized crime is importatnt because it gives the government the ability to know how they work so that the governement can stop them. Reference Abadinsky, H. (2007). Organized Crime. 8th ed. Balmont.Ca Thomas/Wadsworth.

Career Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Career Management - Essay Example The present scenario has been defined as a â€Å"do-it-yourself career management† (Patton & McMahon, p.26) where the individuals are faced with the challenge of constructing their career in the changing environment. It is seen that the choice of occupation is not a onetime decision. Rather it can be considered to a process of development which occurs through a number of stages and sub stages. Young children start believing that they can do almost everything. While the adults’ decision or the career choice is based on factors like skill sets, economic factors or their education and training requirements. John Holland (1960) was one of the major contributors in the field of career development. His contribution to the field was the creation of a hexagonal model that is based on the perspectives put forward by Parsons. According to Holland, the workplace was divided into six work environments and the populace was comprised of six types of personalities, namely â€Å"reali stic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional† (Virtual Habitats, p.1). The hexagon has been presented in the figure below. Figure 1: Holland's six environment/personalities (Source: Virtual Habitats, p.2) The ideas which are included in the theory are as follow: Most of the people can be assigned one of the categories of the six types of personalities. The work environments are also of six types, namely â€Å"realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional† (Virtual Habitats, p.2). The work environments that people search for depends on their skills and abilities, expression of values and attitudes, and their views on different roles and problems. The behaviour of an individual is an outcome of the interaction of his personality with the environmental characteristics (Virtual Habitats, p.2). The more close a person comes towards a work environment that he finds compatible to his abilities, the greater will be his satisfa ction. The recent scholars have been increasingly focusing on the process of decision making and its relationship with career development. The cognitive information process (CIP) as put forward by â€Å"Peterson, Sampson, Reardon and Lenz† (Virtual Habitats, p.4) are the three domains based on which the choice of career is made. The decision making skills domain comprises of the five information processing skills which are communication, analysis, synthesis, valuing and executing (Virtual Habitats, p.4). The CIP model is illustrated the figure below. Figure 2: The CIP model (Source: Virtual Habitats, p.2) The base comprises of self knowledge and knowledge of the occupations. The nature of information with people regarding themselves and the work usually differs from one another. Scholars claim that this self knowledge is more based on the perceptions than in facts. It involves analyzing ones interests, abilities and skills. The individuals’ needs require thorough analy sis though the decision making phase which should be suited for his unique personality (Wasylow, Mellott & Martin, p.1). It also involves analysis of the occupation itself like places where the occupation exist, the payments they make or their outlook. It requires thorough analysis of the labour market. Answer to Question No: 2 Primary Research The primary research was conducted on three

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organizational Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Communication - Assignment Example In addition, he used a leadership style that was transactional as its entailed management through enhancing compliance via punishment and rewards. The committee had been given powers to make decisions, but Gassner had the final say in every decision they made. Gassner made sure that each execute committee member headed different regions of that company (Hill, 1995). Gassner had a strategic vision which he ensured was met. He made sure BMG international became successful. He ensured that he was involved in every decision (Hill, 1995). Gassner was tough on ensuring his decisions are followed to the later. In systems theory, there is the issue of interdependence in any organization. Rudi acknowledged this fact and hence created an executive team that was in charge of various regions. He acknowledged interdependence since the regions which they operated differed on the basis of external environment that dealt with customers, competitors, suppliers, financial markets and world economy. In addition, they also differed in complex issues related to external relations, internal operations, strategic decision making plus institutional leadership (Hill, 1995). Gassner’s management style was transactional. He ensured that he established compliance of the workers through coming up with reward and punishment systems. Gassner had been hand-picked by the given CEO, Dornermann. Gassner was an expertise from Polygram and had a good track record on the basis of management. He had his own style of management and involved ‘push’ and ‘pull’ strategies. That ensured high level of awareness existed and resulted in accurate perception of his role and vision (Hill,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Source Note Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Source Note - Assignment Example This trend has raised many health concerns in the United States. Researchers have also pointed the role of marketing in this sphere. Big giants like McDonalds and Burger King are responsible for this increased trend due to their aggressive marketing which is centered to focus more on children than any other group. Unawareness is a key factor that has played a major role in creating the ‘fast food trend’ among masses. People are not aware about their calorie intake by consuming high caloric and fatty foods. They do not possess the general idea about their daily calorie requirements. Thus, every time when they consume any fast food; their calorie intake increases. It has also left its adverse effects on the health of school-going children who are the primary consumers of fast foods. These children are more prone to obesity and obesity related diseases due to negligence of their parents, unawareness and aggressively targeted by various fast food chains. The percentage of obese children has increased from 5% in mid 1970s to 16% in 2000. These rates have raised many concerns related to the physical and mental well-being of children. Due to increased number of fast food restaurants, the percentage of obese children in America is growing with a sky-rocketing speed. Due to unhealthy lifestyle, unawareness and fast foods advertisements that are aimed to target children are directly responsible for increased percentage of overweight children. It is the duty of their parents that they should evoke the thought of a healthy lifestyle in the minds of their children and they should push them to eat healthy and balanced diet in order to stay healthy and active. Changing lifestyles and behavior have greatly influenced the eating pattern of an individual. People care less about what they eat. Due to this shift in behavior and habits, the fast food industry has expanded to a greater extent. Consumption of fast food has given rise to many

Friday, July 26, 2019

Should monetary policy be made by rule rather than by Essay

Should monetary policy be made by rule rather than by discreation(macroeconomic) - Essay Example Both the rules and discretion need to be analysed in terms of the stability in economy and the inflation targets. While rules determine the inflation sequence, discretion determines the full employment that is lacks in rules. Rules, however maintains the inflation in a statistical fashion, and helps in operating the economy in a definite and expected way. Economists supporting rules argue that the Central Bank will work independently without the political influences, where as those who raise hands for discretion argues that the increasing rate of interest and unemployment will be monitored can controlled by discretion. As a result, the Federal will meet a circumstance to work freely within the given allocations. The central banks consider rules as inflexible but at the same time rules will eliminate the mistakes, by demanding the Central Bank to work within the policy requirements. Where as the discretion based policy will enable the Federal Reserve Bank to act will full freedom within the given limit. In the case of rule, based monetary policies the rate of unemployment and the inflation remains linked in a statistical proportion and the rules will lead to high inflation rates that in turn will result in increase in unemployment. Though some supporters favour employment productivity, their main target seems to be fixed towards increasing production and distribution to continue with a economic growth rather than improving the labour market. Milton Friedman supports a rules based policy, because he stresses on the point that rules will have a constant growth of money. Friedman [1968] argues that a discretion based monetary policy will put efforts to bring out less inflation rates and full em ployment, but this will consequently result in increase in inflation rates and unemployment as well. The rules advocated by Friedman [1968, 1972, 1992] was aimed at balancing the stability in accordance with the production level. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management and leadership style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management and leadership style - Essay Example Some of the key differentials that exist between management and leadership also translate to the means by which both of these forms of direction are accomplished. To begin with, one should consider the management style as something of an administrative expertise that focuses on maintenance, systems structures, a focus on the bottom line, imitation, and accomplishing tasks in the specified way. Conversely, good leadership styles tend to focus upon innovation, originality, development, a focus on the shareholders, inspiration and development of trust, and keeping an eye on the future. As a function of such a definition, the reader can and should understand the management style as more of a nuts and bolts approach that tends to be somewhat formulaic and rigid whereas leadership engenders the unique ability to mold and integrate with changes as a means of seeking the best path. It is further important to understand that such a level of approach does not specify one or the other must be e ngaged upon. As such, it is possible and desirable for an individual to accomplish both of these styles of oversight in order to be an effective vehicle for change within a given institution. Although not all individuals can fulfill the requirements of each of these categories, the individual that does is able to see from both perspectives and seek to direct the firm/group/ or entity in the most appropriate way (Paul & Berry, 2013). With regards to ethics, the leadership and management styles play an integral role in determining the priorities of the given individual. One could even argue that ethics violations only spring from management styles if and when the management style is engrained within the company’s culture. This is due to the fact that management styles are almost always formulaic and required attributes that the individual most ascribe to in order to meet the standards of the organization or group he/she is representing to the employees. Conversely, leadership s tyles fall prey much more easily to ethical violations due to the fact that these are almost always more innately tied to the ability of the individual to incorporate what they heave learned from past experience, as well as their own personality into the change mechanism they are attempting to integrate with. In order to create an ethical environment, it is incumbent upon the culture and oversight mechanisms of the firm to seek to instill a strong level of ethics into the management styles that they engender with the leadership (Dong et al., 2012). In such a way, ethical decision making and a culture of morality can be attempted to be grown from the very base levels of the way in which decisions are made within the organizations culture. As a means of integrating this with the leadership and the styles by which they ultimately manage, the organization will maximize the potential of this having a carry-over effect and impacting upon the means by which even personal attributes impact upon management and leadership within such a culture. Good management can be considered as the ability to meet deadlines, evoke utility, and ensure that one’s team meets or exceeds output standards. This process in and of itself is important; however, it has a distinctly impersonal side to it. Ultimately, the metrics of management are somewhat distinct from what the metrics of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs Research Paper

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs - Research Paper Example There are three ways in which global warming affects coral reefs: through a direct increase in water temperature; through a rise in the carbon dioxide levels in water which makes water acidic; and through rising sea levels which results in inadequate sunlight for the existing coral reefs. In addition, the study points towards various indirect ways through which rising temperature leads to coral reef damage. One issue is the increasing incidence of various coral diseases and another problem is the occurrence of natural disasters like El Nino which damage coral reef habitats. Thus, the study ends with the suggestion that the ultimate way to save coral reefs would be to address the effects of global warming. Introduction Global warming is a potential environmental problem that has been adversely affecting the global climatic patterns for more than a century. Global warming can be simply referred to the process of increasing the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. By definition â€Å"global warming is an increase in temperature worldwide due to gaseous emissions known as greenhouse gases, and depletion of the upper atmospheric (30-50 kilometers) or stratospheric ozone layer† (Liu, 58). Meteorologist identified an increase in Earth’s average surface temperature by nearly 0.8o C in the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists hold that the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases caused by thoughtless human activities including combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are the major factors leading to global warming. ‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report’ (AR4) (qtd. Deimling et al) forecasts th at the average global surface temperature may rise from 1.1o C to 2.9o C during the 21st century under lowest emissions scenario, whereas the expected range lies between 2.4o C to 6.4o C under highest emission scenario. Studies have identified that the rising average temperature of oceans has a devastating effect on coral reefs. Coral reefs are underwater forests formed of calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs play a pivotal role in protecting coastal regions. Coral reefs contain a wide variety of fishes and plants among which most of them belong to some of the most fragile ecosystems of the planet. Studies point to the fact that even a one degree Celsius change in average sea temperature would cause dreadful effects on these underwater structures. This paper will discuss the effects of global warming on coral reefs in the context of current beliefs and researches. The paper will also give focus on the potential long term effects of global warming on the human sustainabi lity. Finally it will propose solutions to the issue on the strength of identified causes and effects. Coral Reef Habitat Coral reefs are considered colonies of micro living animals found in less-nutrients contained marine waters. It has been identified that majority of the coral reefs are made up of stony corals and which in turn contain polyps. Most of these underwater structures were formed after the last glacial period and therefore it can be concluded that most coral reefs are not more than 10,000 years old. Coral reefs constitute the most diverse and fragile ecosystems on Earth and they are often referred to as ‘rainforests of the sea’. As stated in the article, Introduction to Coral Reef ecosystems, threats, and solutions, although coral reefs occupy only less than 0.1% of the worlds’ ocean surface, they are rich sources of different marine species such as fish, worms, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. As reported by National Wildlife Federation, the stu nning and frail coral reefs found

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Introduction to service marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Introduction to service marketing - Assignment Example The study also highlights the benefits as well as shortcomings of some of the modes of integrated marketing communication. The Indy event is Queenslands premier sporting event which had an average attendance of about 297, 835 people. This event has generated over seven hundred jobs in several industries had has pumped more that fifty million US dollars into the Australian economy. The importance of the event can be gauged from the fact that the Queensland government injected over ten million US dollars towards the promotion of the event which it right describes as an amount spent well. The Indy event is a four day motor rally which is in the existence for about thirteen years. This event is also popular in the international markets and has over seven hundred acclaimed media persons from across the world who come from over 195 countries from across the globe. In 2002, the Indy event was placed in the Queensland Tourism Awards Hall of Fame for the third consecutive year. There are certain characteristics of services that makes a particular service brand unique and pragmatically difficult for managers to capture. The augmented services offering model helps in identifying brand differentiation sources. (Ozment, 1994) This model states that as a charecteristic of most of the services there are three basic components which forms the managerial way of constituting the process. The three components are stated below namely, The Indy event must be organised in such a away that it is fully accesible to people form all over the world. As the event is held in Queensland Austrailia hence it is properly accesible to both the guests as well as the racists who participate in the event. The event managers must also ensure that the consumer participates in the event both passively and actively in the event. The event organisor must ensure that guests are fully satisfied and they promote the event (word of mouth communication) amongst their

Why was America taken by surprise on 11 September 2001 Essay

Why was America taken by surprise on 11 September 2001 - Essay Example On the morning of September 11, 2001 four commercial planes were hijacked by terrorists affiliated with Al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group. The number of terrorists was expected to be around 19 that carried suicide attacks in three different places. The first two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the third destructed a part of the Pentagon while the fourth crashed in a field of Pennsylvania. This was a massive and atrocious attack on the land of America causing immense collateral damage.2 Who would have expected the day when America crippled into the depths of shock and horror with strong defensive shields mentioned above. A major chunk of the American economy flourishing in the WTC was deflated. The Pentagon that is the central decision making body of the country was so vulnerable and the trans-border security on the airports was so weak that no one could keep a check on any unusual activities. All of these loopholes resulted in the death of more than 3000 civilians3 on 9/11. When the episode of 9/11 is dug deep, one comes across a lot of questions. For instance, why did a non-state actor attack America? How did it get the capability to penetrate inside the country? Was there an insider involved? Does it prove the failure of President George W. Bush’s administration or was it another excuse to wage war like the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941? All of these questions have affected the lives of Americans itself. Right after the country was attacked, President George W. Bush declared war on terror and put forward a proposal of â€Å"either you are with us or them (terrorists)† before the world making states choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. President Bush invested heavily to wage the war against Osama Bin Laden, the culprit responsible for planning and executing the attacks. He started off with bombarding Afghanistan in 2001 which hasn’t stopped yet even after a decade. The attacks had

Monday, July 22, 2019

Implant tractable ID chips in newborn babies Essay Example for Free

Implant tractable ID chips in newborn babies Essay Our companys idea to implant tractable ID chips in newborn babies offers a revolutionary approach to effectively combat the high incidences of abductions of newborns and children, a menace against which eve police forces are finding themselves helpless. Once the chip is placed within children, their every movement can be traced to exactitude using the GPRS technology, making their abduction and subsequent hiding a practically impossible task. Apart from this, these IDs would act as a database for these children, containing their relevant medical, physiological and personal details, with provisions of constant upgrades. Thus doctors needs to only access childrens ID to know their history of previous medical complications and treatments, police officers can easily trace parents of a lost child and parents can keep constant vigil on the movement of their children even from their workplace. However, there are many exacting complications in successful rollout of this idea. It can be safely assumed that this concept would come under severe moral, ethical, and religious censure through the entire world. Many, if not all, would form organizations and international groups to canvass on social and legal platforms against our proposal to tag human infants, and doubts would be raised on even our integrity, commitment and sanity. Moreover, the thrust of objection and criticism is likely to come from our own scientific intelligentsia, religious and spiritual gurus, intellectuals and similar eminent personalities. These estimated objections and criticism are hardly a surprising possibility, given worlds historical anathema against every new scientific invention or discovery, any path-breaking medicinal technology, or even against any idea that appeared contrary to its set of framed ideas and concepts. History is replete with evidences that from the time of Archimedes to modern day age of cloning, people have always approached every major scientific and technological breakthrough with skepticism, incredulity and more than often, downright hostility. We can see how strong the sentiments ran when Copernicus presented the theory that its Sun that is at center of solar system, and not moon and that world is sphere shaped, against what world had been led to believe (Hall, 1954). Later Galileo was humiliated by Roman Church on the same issue. We further see the way almost entire educated western society rose against Charles Darwin for his theory of evolution through natural selection and the stringent social and religious criticism he was subjected to (Hall, 1954). Even Einstein, one of the greatest human brains of all times, was not spared from hostile criticism and rejection when he denied the existence of gravity in his general theory of relativity (Hawkins, 1988). Technological innovations and many scientific inventions were treated with similar aggressive denial and denunciation. Whether it was construction of railway locomotives, invention of telegraphs and telephones, constructions of dams, introduction of vaccination techniques, advent of contraceptive pills, gene therapy or subject of cloning and stem cell research, a significant section of society always protested and rejected the concept on plethora of supposedly ethical and moral grounds (Thomas, 2005). It is futile to say that each of these innovations contributed to further advancement and growth of human society. The reason of this persistent fear of new technological innovations is that they defy and sometimes even break the existing concepts, perceptions and notions. Often these concepts and perceptions are embedded part of a social culture, and therefore their rejection is construed as a planned attack by scientists and technicians on the very foundation of the culture (Lyne, 2005). We cannot flippantly dismiss their fears, and overlook their arguments just because they happen to contradict our idea. Instead, we need to reach out to people, address their every valid question and dispel their remotest of the doubts related to implant of IDs in newborn babies. My own understanding of the issue says that we should move ahead with project because when people are presented with rational arguments and valid answers to their queries, their gravest arguments turns in staunchest of the support. Indeed, one of their first objections we are likely to face is ethical as well as medical propriety of inserting an unnecessary foreign object in the fragile body of a newborn. But as we maintain, this implant is done for childrens own security and safety. Further, the chip is especially designed in such a way that its implant would cause minimum distress for child and the implant can be done by any surgeon through a very superficial incision. The presence or location of the chip may very well remain unknown to child unless specifically told. Of course, implanting a foreign object in human body in itself is no more an ethical issue, especially after advent of pacemakers and artificial limbs. Rather a valid query may concern the possible radiation effect of the chip on childs developing body, and whether that this radiation would impede or in any way alter hormonal or chemical composition of the growing child. But as our repeated lab tests and years of experiments have shown, the chip does not interfere with human bio- chemical growth in any way. It stays in the body like a neutral object, deactivated unless recalled for. Even upon activation, the signals emitted by chip are no more harmful than the fields of electromagnetic radiation surrounding us every second of our life. The final debate around our proposed chip would center on moral and ethical issue of tagging children. Is it right to tag children like animals are tagged in zoo and safari and then observed? Further, when these children grow up, they might become uncomfortable with the idea of being watched or remotely tracked for their every movement, and may very likely treat this an infringement of their privacy. But in my opinion, these objections are specious, and deviating from our main issue- that of stopping crime and providing a safe and secure world for children. Parents, and later on Children, may be given the option to remove or manually deactivate the chip, when they start to feel that it is more a burden than as a benefit. However, for that time that it is there, it is the best way to ensure infants are secure, safe and sound under their parents, physicians and teachers constant observation. It is the best way to completely eliminate the threat of organized abduction industry, and certainly it is the surest way to ensure that no child goes every lost or missing. I would reiterate therefore we should confidently move ahead with this revolutionary idea and usher in the new era of human-technology integration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Communication Systems Evaluation

Business Communication Systems Evaluation Oriston Cunningham Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Jiggs $ Riggs Super Stores Ltd Table of Content (Jump to) Executive Summary Introduction Discuss the Range of Decisions to Taken Examine the Information and Knowledge needed to ensure Effective Decision taking Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding Justify Recommendation for Improvement References Executive Summary Business Profile Sucker Business Consulting Ltd Has over thirty years of experience which head office is based in New Kingston the business hub of Jamaica with functional offices across the Caribbean. We pride ourselves with the successes of our client base of over 2,500 business; micro, small and medium sized businesses that invest in our trusted professional consulting expertise to put them on a growth path, increase operational efficiency and a sustainable, profitability and revenue trajectory. We are a business of diverse professionals expertise with a focus to eliminate the complexity of problems faced by our client business’ and simplify business solution that will enable them to operate in a diversely competitive business environment. Business Profile JIGGS $ RIGGS Super Stores Ltd JIGGS Super Stores Ltd is a family owned business enterprise that has three outlets located in the parishes of Kinston, Manchester and St. James of the island of Jamaica. Great grant father JIGGS as he was passionately called by his family and friends had started a sales business out his garage in Kingston where he sold clothes, shoes and home accessories to the surrounding communities. The business expanded to the extent where he began to drive around with a delivery van and drop off orders to his loyal customers, he later joined partnership with a returning resident passionately called Riggs hence the name JIGGS $ RIGGS Super Stores Ltd. The first location was on Trafalgar road Kingston, The business grew to the extent where they felt the need to care for other customers thus the two other locations in Manchester and St. James. Both men had died and the business passed on their grandchildren Byron and Simeon who are co-managers of JIGGS $ RIGGS Super Stores Ltd. The recent performances of all three stores have declined steadily for past three years. The young partners tried a number of measures to stabilize the business: cut head count, extend operating hours, Increase longer payment terms and even turn off the air conditioning during operation hours but still operating at a loss and fail to breakeven. The co-managers have called a meeting and finally decided to sell and our client Private Partners (a group of small investors). The current financial position of JIGGS $ RIGGS Super Stores Ltd is as follows. Financial situation of Jiggs $ Riggs Super Stores Ltd INDUSTRY STANDARD July 2014 July 2013 July 2012 July 2011 REVENUE $8400000 $2500000 $2600000 $2400000 COST OF SALES 40% ($3200000) ($1500000) ($1600000) ($1500000) GROSS PROFIT 60% $5200000 $1000000 $1000000 $900000 EXPENSES 30% ($2800000) ($2400000) ($2400000) ($2300000) NET PROFIT 30% $2400000 -$1400000 -$1400000 -$1400000 Introduction Research Background The business environment is regulated by laws which guide organizations and their operations. The ever changing business environment demands the growth and development of businesses due to continuous aggressive competition and changes in market trends, (Klein, 2013). The mergers, acquisitions and take-over of businesses increased due to the growth of medium sized companies in their current markets and expanding their reach to new customers adversely, micro business operators are discouraged due to low financial performance and access to the kind of cash injection that will boost their business outlook. Business acquisition may have some draw backs also advantages both for the investors acquiring the firm and also for the previous owner(s). There are several legal matters that must be addressed in order for mergers, acquisition, take-overs and investments to take place. The paper will focus on evaluating the existing communication systems, designing new communication strategies to inv olve all stakeholders to own and drive the new growth changes necessary to put the business on the path to growth. The repot will look at communication terms and how they can be used by all stakeholders in the business. Germaine to the background of the research questions given, the researcher will establish a consultancy firm and present a case study of a small business Jiggs $ Riggs Super Stores Ltd owned by co-managers Byron and Simeon who have obtained new investors. The main impacts of this study is that for future referencing the researcher will have developed the skills necessary for understanding the relevance of communication within the context of business and how to use it to drive change and the overall growth of the business. Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of the research paper are as follows: Assess how communications, knowledge and information can be improved within the business including making better use of IT systems. Create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision-making processes in the business. You will develop the communication processes, and improve systems relating to information and knowledge. Assess how managers in the business can improve the planning of their communications processes as well as their communication skills and can make the information and knowledge they gain accessible to other parts of the organization Literature Review (Michael E.D. Koeing) Knowledge Management, (KM) is a concept and a term that arose approximately two decades ago, roughly in 1990. This suggests that on the eve of the twenty first century and the advent of communication technology, managing communication knowledge and information or simply put knowledge management was seen to be very critical to join the bridges and make the links for individuals and business. In the early period of the knowledge management discovery Davenport (1994) originate version of definition: â€Å"He sees information management as specialized skill set which is needed by organizations in the promotion and integrated approach to identify, capture, evaluate, retrieve, and disseminate its intellectual assets; such as databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured capabilities of the organization. The definitions though similar in nature are showing information as that vehicle that will bring the message of the organization to internal stakeholders and external stakeholders and will in effect create the intended model for success. Knowledge management from an operational was created within consulting community hence the principles of knowledge management went viral by the consulting organizations to other disciplines. Consulting firms since realized the opportunistic use of the Intranet to create the linkage to narrow the geographically gap and provide a greater dispersion of a knowledge-based organizations. (Steve Denning) make the contrast in his article (What is Knowledge) between the east and west, the interchangeable use of information and knowledge and the cultural preference of intuitive knowledge and the rational knowledge. He made the point that knowledge is sticky though information maybe transferable to other persons. In his discussion, the West depicted to lean more to the rational type of knowledge that is more scientific in nature and disregard on a high scale intuitive knowledge, some may argue the intuitive knowledge is not knowledge at all seeing that it is more implicit and tacit thus the movement of knowledge from person to person has deemed to be difficult which bring into focus the greater importance of rational knowledge. Polanyi (1975), and Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). Further discussion that seeks to strengthens the soundness of knowledge as to that of information Western analysts (Karl Erik Sveiby) seek to put his mark on the subject see â€Å"knowledge† as wholly tacit (i.e. as capacity in action), consenting to other discussion that explicit knowledge is mere information. The East conform to a more traditional purview to celebrate the importance of the intuitive, when compared with the rational. The Upanishads for speak about a higher knowledge and a lower knowledge, they classify lower knowledge to that of the various sciences. Methodology In the acquisition of information both the qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in the research execution. Qualitative research according Parkinson and Drislane (2011) is defined as a â€Å"research method using methods such as participant observation or case studies which result in narrative or descriptive account of a setting or practice.†(Parkinson and Drislane, 2011). The qualitative methods that will be used include questionnaire and interviews. Qualitative research interprets data and analyses words and ideas. The second research method that will be used is the quantitative method which is defined as an approach that assesses numerical data which can be used to support qualitative research findings. Quantitative method will be achieved using calculations and statistics gathered through questionnaires and surveys that will be administered to the entity selected for this research. Additional data comes from primary research tools that will be utilized by the researcher includes interviews, questionnaires and observations and the secondary tools that will be used are journals, books, newsletters, newspaper and online articles and documents. The methods selected are most appropriate as they will allow the researcher through the combining of the quantitative and qualitative research to provide the readers with a higher degree of accuracy, easier representation of questionnaire and survey answers. The qualitative method is less costly and more flexible considering from a student researcher context. TASK: 1 Discuss the range of decisions to be taken The type and scope of information used in organizations are complex and vast in variation to the size of the organization and the type of market they are operating in. Information and knowledge needs are also specific to the different functional areas of the organization thus it is the fluid of every working communication system that result into the overall success of the whole. Davenport (1995) knowledge management is a process used to harness, transfer and make the effective use of knowledge. Things to take into consideration are how information is harness and used at the different levels of the organization and the knowledge required, the different systems of information, their relevance, efficiency and effectiveness to the organization. The primary and secondary sources of information Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking Information is knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instruction. e.g. Intelligence, news and facts or raw data ( According to the tripartite theory; knowledge is information that is processed that is believed, justified and is true. For effective decision making in the organization that will form part of its going strategy in a competitive business environment that is ever changing. The knowledge obtained by the sources of the organization internal and external must be in line with the goals of the business and fit with its different levels, strategic, tactical and operational. Strategic information needs- are customer surveys, market research, and statutory accounts, economic and financial information which are used to make long term decisions and shape the business strategy with overall vision. Tactical information needs- market reach, market survey, producers and consumers price indices, business performance indices, budget reports, consumer complaints departmental reports. Operational information needs- product quality matrix, quality management reports, production outputs, workforce performance, machine and equipment management and performance, batch quantity, economic order quantity. Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding Internal sources of information the means of data collection and compilation from systems internal to the organization which are used to enhance the decision making process and fuse the different linkages that enable the organization to achieve its objectives. Internal information in Jiggs $ Riggs Super Stores Ltd. Are Financial information financial information on the three super stores profits and losses, revenues, cost of sales, rates and taxes, staff wages and salaries. The financial manager and use this information to manage the performance of the business and see that it is profitable. Personnel Information this is the compilation of information of personnel by the business that is made available to them when so requested. Information is used to monitor productivity performance, length of work life, remuneration, productivity rate, health reports, information on training and development. Marketing Information marketing team determine value added products and services and their performances, information is obtained from sales and the informal channel used for innovation and to promote product based on the going trends. Purchase Information information used by the purchasing team to procure raw materials, good, services, and other inputs required to run the business. This team also monitors costs and quality to ensure there is value for money. Administration Information makes the linkages with the business’ workforce on business overall performance, annual budgets and projections, structural changes, changes in market conditions, investment and make the link with external partners and build relationships. External sources of information are sources of information generated externally by agencies or individual researcher or consultant Justify recommendations for improvement In order to improve the communication situation at the business the new management will embark on a communication strategy that is geared to harness greater involvement of all employees and improve their empowerment in the decision making process and make them full aware of the business performance on a more frequent basis. Conduct monthly town hall meeting deliberating on business performance, projections and market conditions Train all employees on how to improve and own the systems of communication Provide regular feedback on employees recommendation and reward where necessary References Davenport, Thomas H. (1994), Saving ITs Soul: Human Centered Information Management. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 72 (2) pp. 119-131. Duhon, Bryant (1998), Its All in our Heads. Inform, September, 12 (8). Koenig, M.E.D. (1990) Information Services and Downstream Productivity. In Martha E. Williams (Ed.), Annual Review of Information Science and Technology: Volume 25, (pp. 55-56). New York, NY: Elseview Science Publishers for the American Society for Information Science Ponzi, L., Koenig, M.E.D. (2002). Knowledge Management: Another ManagementFad?, Information Research, 8(1). Retrieved from Stephen Denning, The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations. Boston, London, Butterworth Heinemann, October 2000. Nonaka, Ikujiro and Hirotaka Takeuchi. The Knowledge-Creating Company : How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation. New York : Oxford University Press, 1995.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Practical Importance Of Reflection Nursing Essay

Practical Importance Of Reflection Nursing Essay Wong described reflection on action to take place at various levels, ranging from the superficial level to the critical reflective analysis level. Boyd and Fales described reflection on action to focus more on self-development in terms of knowledge and values. They then explained their premise by stating that an individual doesnt necessarily see more through reflection, but views issues from different perspectives. Reflection on previous experiences is a necessary skill because a student can utilize it to develop greater insight as a medical practitioner. The method of past reflection involves the evaluation of previous choices and views, which is exemplified in Gibbs five step reflective cycle (1988). This series of steps investigates the individuals thought processes and how they can be altered to improve judgement and understanding in clinical practice. Kolb (1984) stated that through the reflection or relearning of experiences a practitioner can gain an increased level of underst anding and proficiency in that particular area. Self-reflection additionally refines personal views and behaviour by contemplating values and attitudes. In medical trainees, values and attitudes are heavily influenced by a process of socialization  resulting from a group or cultural dynamic (Branch, 2005). Understanding and empathising with a patient can vary according to differing cultural backgrounds and the socio-economic class, so continual interaction and reflection can help prepare an undergraduate medical student for the confronting world which follows graduation. Branch (2005) continues to explain that reflection in the form of writing, aids in the progression and augmentation of emotional experiences involving life and death. To have past thoughts and views recorded in text is important in defining personal development throughout the undergraduate period and into professional life. Undergraduate medical students and medical practitioners are placed in very emotionally and physically demanding situations such as critical care and lengthy surgery. Reflective writing helps as a form of stress control and expressing ones self and allows the release of some of the mental burdens. Reassessing personal ability to identify strengths and weaknesses, and use them for personal improvement, is a key benefit of the self-reflective process. Epstein and Hundert (2002) found that after determining the exact strengths and weaknesses, a learning plan could be implemented to enhance learning and maximise efficiency. With the abundance of knowledge to be acquired in the undergraduate medical course, any approach to studying which is beneficial to the student must be considered and integrated in the study plan. Reflecting in the present Greenwood (1993) defined reflection in action as process in which people use their experience and judgement to analyse what they are doing whilst they are doing it. To step back and critically examine ones responses to what is happening can provide a student with a much wider and clearer view of the situation. The consequent decision making process can be better considered and much more impersonal, allowing the undergraduate student to make more refined judgements in medical practice. It involves reflection before and during action, a process which can be applied by the student in a wide range of situations during the undergraduate period and throughout a future career in medicine. Eva and Regehr (2005) highlighted the point that reflection in practice is a substantially more important mechanism for ensuring safe and effective performance. As reflection in action is required for continued professional development and general safety, the process of reflection gives the student a heightened mental awareness of the context of action. When faced with difficult ethical and administrative decisions relating to medication or surgery, a slight falter in mental awareness at the wrong time can cause disastrous results for the student/professional practitioner and the patient. Maintenance of the students mental health is also an important part of reflection in action, as compounding stresses can lead to physical exhaustion and mental instability. Beonink (2004) pointed out the correlation between student fatigue and reflective ability when he conducted his study of 195 fourth year medical students. Practical importance of reflection Reflection can be used to analyse educational or emotional experiences and process them in such a way that a medical student can effectively learn from that experience. Branch and Paranjape (2002) stated that if reflection is undertaken by an undergraduate student, then it can promote growth morally, personally, psychologically, and emotionally as well as cognitively. Psychological development in the student influences both values and attitudes towards many controversial medical issues such as cloning, stem cell research, tissue transplantation and surrogate motherhood. For example, the reflective process can assist the undergraduate students understanding and ability to remain unbiased when a patient insists on refusing a treatment because of personal or religious commitments. The approach towards learning is also assisted through the cognitive development of the student. A study conducted by Mamede and Schmidt (2005) highlighted the current pattern within health professionals in which the use of reflective practice decreased with years of medical practice. Possible explanations for this may be the more experienced health professionals using reflection solely on new or complex problems. An individual gains more experience by encountering familiar problems regularly, but when the reasoning and mindset becomes too automatic and habitual, a momentary lapse of judgement could lead to a disastrous situation. Regular use of reflective practice increases awareness for patient centred care. But it should also be noted that Teamwork is a fundamental part of modern medicine and reflective practice plays an important role within the foundations of teamwork. Branch (2005) suggests that reflection within a team does not only benefit the individual but the entire group. The team as a whole can improve in efficiency, communication, provide support for one another and help define team direction in terms of patient care. Reflective group work is also involved in the discussion and feedback from mentors and staff. As they have more experience than an undergraduate student, experienced practitioners can share stories and anecdotes which are valuable to the inexperienced undergraduate students. Group reflection is also relevant beyond the undergraduate medical course because of the network of teams which function together in all health professions. The evolving definition of reflective practice, and its increasing significance, are changing the way in which undergraduates and health professionals are required to approach and learn about medical practice. Kanthan and Senger (2011) found that reflective practice is becoming mandatory in many of the licensing and re-validation processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Therefore, it is imperative that early and repetitive practice to acquire competency in this skill is explicitly included in the curriculum in the early years of undergraduate medical education. Personal portfolio writing and other reflective tasks have become a necessity for undergraduate students in medical schools and centres across the world, in the hope that an era of reflective health practitioners can be created. Potential disadvantages of reflection For some personalities, reflective practice can also have negative consequences. Bound and Walker (1998) noted that reflection on action is a very thought driven process and may sometimes be confusing if an undergraduate student reflects without learning from the experience or reflects without the correct thought processes. Internal conflict can also result because of clashing personal values and beliefs. Students may lose sight of the true aim of reflective practice and its benefits. It becomes a mindless and boring encumbrance in which students use a progressive checklist to overcome reflection as an obstacle, rather than addressing the significant personal concerns and questions. Time is a constraining factor in the education of an undergraduate medical student, and the various areas which require reflection are relatively time consuming. If reflection is not used effectively or within the correct context in action and on action, then it is unnecessarily consuming valuable time wh ich could be better spent on studying or for patient care. Reflective practice involves and brings together many aspects of the undergraduate medical course and beyond in future professional life. The research quoted above indicates that, when used correctly, reflective practice gives an undergraduate student the tools required to become a skilled reflective medical practitioner. The possible disadvantages of reflection seem insignificant when compared to the bigger picture of all the positive effects. In summation, reflective practice is an important attribute because it allows an undergraduate medical student to make better informed decisions, learn from his/her own mistakes and from the previous experience of others, and maintain good physical and mental health.

Swan Lake Vs. Revelations Essay -- essays research papers

Alvin Ailey’s Revelations and Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake are two different styles of dance from very different points in history. Revelations is a contemporary dance and Swan Lake is a classical dance. Each dance has certain points that have made it critically acclaimed. They both incorporate different styles of dance but they do share a few characteristics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The stage props and the lighting seemed to be different in each performance. Swan Lake had a backdrop of a lake. This was key for this dance. When the girls would turn back and forth from swans they would show a group of swans swim across the lake. This was very important for the audience to understand this very important transformation. The lighting in Swan Lake was a little bit brighter because it had more scenes where the entire stage needed to be illuminated. When the soloists were dancing they did not have a particular spotlight on them. Revelations had a very plain set. This seemed to put more of a focus on the dancers instead of the atmosphere on stage. The backdrop was just a dark cloth with no pattern or picture. The lighting covered the entire stage when many dancers were performing at the same time. When soloists performed, a spotlight was focused on them to draw all the attention to the dance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The choreography in Ailey’s dance was very interesting. The dancers used the floor much more than Swan Lake. Swan Lake’s dance movements seemed to be very apar...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Agamemnon Essay -- essays research papers fc

Agamemnon Agamemnon is a confusing tale of the people that are waiting for the soldiers to get home from the Trojan war. Most of the play is the chorus singing about many of the things that happened during the war. The play also shows the disrespect the men had for women in that time period. In front of Agamemnon's palace, a watchman wishes his shift would end. He is tired and wants to sleep but he must stay awake. He awaits news from Queen Clytemnestra. The Chorus of Argive elders enters, singing of the war. They sing of the gods, asking for them to help them win the war, and of the great army. They anxiously await the news from the Queen. In the song, they tell how Agamemnon killed his child. He sacrificed his daughter to Apollo so that Apollo would make the winds blow for his armies ships. The chorus thinks that deed was horrible, but had to be done for the good of the country. The leader asks Clytemnestra if she's heard any news. He doesn't like being ruled by a woman and treats her somewhat rudely. He only listens to her because of his loyalty to his King. She tells the leader that the army has taken Troy. The leader is skeptical and asks her to repeat herself several times. The Queen gets angry and tells him she is not a "credulous girl." When the leader asks how Clytemnestra...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Depictions of violence towards women in ‘Halloween’

However the initial praise heaped upon Halloween for It's portrayal of a previously unheard of strong female character may have been premature due to the almost Insurmountable criticisms heaped upon It by the second wave feminists at the time. Despite attempting otherwise, the film, and the horror genre as a whole, have been misguided In bringing what the audience Is to perceive as strong female character to the screen. Although years have passed since it's first release in 1978 Halloween can still be viewed by many as misogynistic and over equalized.Presenting a negative outlook on women, judging them based on gender as well as showing them only as sex objects and devaluing their worth. We are introduced touch Carpenters film ‘Halloween' through a subjective point of view killing of a young woman, a young woman, who without the directors intended perception of events, has done nothing to deserve such treatment. Throughout the opening scenes of this film we can sense the disapp roval and contempt for the sexual actions that both Lane and her boyfriend are partaking in, and while they are both equal participating parties.We watch as Michael allows the male to leave down the stairs and out of the house unscathed before continuing upstairs to murder his male of course to is be applauded for exercising his sexuality but the female who should pride herself up her purity deserves to be punished for it. This gender inequality is only further enforced when we follow Michael upstairs to his sisters bedroom with a knife, we see him turn his head towards to bed as if to verify that she has in fact ‘defiled' herself before turning back and stabbing her multiple times.This behavior of Judging women much more harshly is prevalent throughout history, where the actions of a man would be taken much more lightly then if the same action had been undertaken by their female counter part, even in young children we are taught to view assertive women as bossy and assertive men as confident. Watching the rest of the movie we are shown several scenes where the mans behavior is over looked in favor of inflicting violence being upon women. Pulling up to the mental institution Dry. Loomis is allowed to exit the car unharmed by Michael, even thoughMichael would have had 15 years worth of reasons to use the opportunity to attack him, while the young nurse is subject to his terrifying harassment before she manages to escape the car herself. Another such scene occurs after Michael has taken his first victim. In this scene he does kill Bob but does so quickly and only his association with Lynda, we are made well aware of the fact that upstairs Lynda is his primary target and this is proven by the lengths he goes to to torment her before slowly killing her.What we are left to gather from these scenes of violence being inflicted upon women is that the inequality between genders is prevalent enough to influence a 7 year old boys decision to murder his older sister and develop his view of women in the future. It seems to be a common theme in slashes films to depict women in compromising or sexual positions near or during their time of death, this over equalization of women and their bodies portray them as objects to be view, coveted, desired, or in the case of ‘Halloween', murdered.With Michael Myers being 7 at the time of his first murder it would be hard to attach any sort of sexual impulse to his desire to murder is sister, but we are clearly shown a connection throughout the film between the nakedness of women and his desire to murder them. His sister, being the first was completely naked in front of a mirror at the time of her death, Annie and Lynda, while not naked during their deaths, had both been depicted in various states of undress in the sequences leading up to them.While of course up until the climax of the film it would seem that both Annie and Lynda had avoided being completely nude on screen however we are then shown tha t both of the girls had been stripped down stormed and left for Laurie to find. In Linda Williams essay When the Woman Looks,' she writes that ‘there is not that much difference between an object of desire and an object of horror as far as the male look is concerned' (Williams).It seems that in slashes films it is not enough to simply show women being murdered on screen, they must sexuality the act by having the women be naked at the time or be stripped down after the fact and displayed for the audience under the guise of Michael Myers perverse pleasures. Of course the act of equalizing the deaths of these women is not solely because halls symbol of the knife, as wielded by Michael, could be used as a means to expend his own sexual frustration upon these women, by means of the thrusting of the knife and the subsequent penetrating of their flesh.Although this point is disputed specifically in Carol Clover's Men, Women, and Chainsaws where in John Carpenter is quoted saying, â⠂¬Å"They [the critics] completely missed the boat there, I think. Because if you turn it around, the one girl who is the most sexually uptight Just keeps stabbing the guy with a long knife, she's the most sexually frustrated. She's the nee who killed him. Not because she's a virgin, but because all that repressed energy starts coming out. She uses all those phallic symbols on the guy†¦ â€Å"(Clover).A fair point to be sure but calling Laurie out on her own repressed sexual urges in no way diminishes the perversity of the acts of violence undertaken by Michael in the first four murders in this film, but actually Just verifies the fact that Michael does indeed express his own sexual frustration through these over murders. Further more, by looking at this film we see violence being inflicted upon women†¦ ND only women, we must draw the conclusion that simply being feminine is enough to warrant your death in a slashes film. Feminine' in these movies often being synonymous wi th weak. It is a tried and true formula of horror film to present women in a negative light, as the victim, simply a plot device used when seeking to reach as large a body count as possible. However it has been argued in recent literature that ‘Halloween' presents the audience with a female victim that forces the audiences identification to shift to that of the female victim and begin relating to Laurie as a throng feminine character.Once again referencing the works of Carol Clover, she writes that Halloween, in line with the second wave feminist movement, marks the beginning of a more positive portrayal of women in horror films. â€Å"Given the drift between Texas chain Saw and Halloween – from passive to active defensive – it is no surprise that films following Halloween present Final Girls who not only fight back but do so with ferocity. â€Å"(Clover).We are being told that the final girl presents the audience with an empowered female figure, but we must no w take a look at the scenes which present Laurie as the final girl who ferociously fights back, or perhaps more importantly the scenes leading up to them, for it isn't until Laurie exchanges her feminine attributes for masculine ones, by arming herself and actively seeking to fight back, that she manages to gain the upper hand and become a serious threat herself.Through the film we are shown woman after woman being senselessly slaughtered simply for the ‘crime' of being women and it isn't until the audience no longer views the final girl as feminine do they find themselves able to relate her and goes she earn the right to survive the horrors being inflicted upon her. † †¦ The slashes film resolves it either through eliminating the woman (earlier victims) or reconstituting her as masculine(fall girl). (Clover) We are not given a final ‘girl' we are told from the beginning that the weak female deserves what is being done to her and the only one worthy of avoidin g causality is the female who is the embodiment of masculine traits. Halloween fails to depict women any better then its predecessors in the western point in women in horror cinema, perhaps it planted the seeds of thought in the erectors which followed John Carpenter that women could be more then what they have been for the past decades.Fortunately we mostly tend to see the poor portrayal of women in most of the western horror film and do have many European films to look to which often have women shown as the killer and predominant threat which is refreshing to see. We must hope to see the trend continue in future slashes film where we see women continuing to fight back against the years of mistreatment and misrepresentation. —Bibliography— Clover, Carol J. Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film.

Revenue Outstanding Measured as the Weeks Billing Outstanding

MEASURING nifty REVENUE AS WEEKS BILLING large(p) By SACHIN GHOGLE Introduction Financial prudence concentrees in finding the value in accounts receivable by emphasizing on improving the collections process and so accelerating the hard interchange flow. taxation spectacular is the amount ascribable from the customer as a terminus of an organisations normal stemma operation, that is, it is the amount that has been billed by organisations and is collectable, plainly which has not been collected.The man come onment of Revenue prominent is an important source of exchange and hence an important arguing that the management should pass judgment. The melodic theme of time to recoup the receipts p from each oney is important to determine the profit of every organisation. Most prefer to receive remuneration immediately rather than to wait for it, speci ally beca engross sometimes payment is never make in the latter scenario. there is no one general technique to think the time to recoup the tax tax revenue that lavatory be adopted by all the organisations.It varies from organisation to organisation depending on the temper of bank line and the needs and strategies of the management. Although there is no certainty of receiving payments from all the customers, organisations use assorted modes to calculate the revenue superior or the payment that go out be get later at a some(prenominal) particular point of time. The Weeks commission big(p) (WBO) measure calculates the revenue smashing base on the sum of money list of hebdomads commissions take to recoup contemporary Revenue peachy.The WBO is an important financial parameter, which shows the age in weeks, in an organizations accounts receivable and is delineate in terms of the average time taken to switch over the nifty revenue into capital. The WBO measure helps the management to measure the forte of collection activities and alert the management with caper accounts. If t he WBO is low, then less time is exhausted to collect outstanding revenue. By speedily converting the missions into cash, the organisation passel reinvest this cash and convert it into profits. 1 The WBO Measure A remunerator is responsible to pay for the services used.The quantity outstanding revenue of a remunerator is the sum of invoiced amount minus the cash received against some of the invoices minus the unallocated cash/ payments received as advance or prepayment from the remunerator. Some organisations report the outstanding revenue as being outstanding from the visualize of the invoice as opposed to the due date of the payment. The Weeks rush Outstanding is the centre number of eld accounts corresponding to the payer required to recoup the authentic outstanding revenue for the payer divided by number of old age in a week.WBO = DBO/7 This WBO is figure for an idiosyncratic payer level whereas the management needs the boilersuit WBO for a single art social w hole or a particular stain. There are three methods to calculate the boilers suit WBO for a single short letter unit. The overall WBO ( mode 1) for a single duty unit or a particular territory can then be figure as the average of the WBO for all the payers indoors the corresponding business unit or territory.The overall WBO ( order 2) for a single business unit can be much accurately calculated from the business locating by considering the weighted average of the individual WBO over an important business parameter (for example, the accumulated revenue over the ancient one course). These two methods can type the weak link or the heavy link affecting the outstanding revenue. afterwards identifying the weak link, the management can focus on the weak payers to reduce their outstanding revenue and to improve the overall cash flow in spite of appearance the system.The overall WBO (Method 3) can be calculated as the total number of days billings (cumulative for all the payers at bottom the business unit) required to recoup the current total outstanding revenue for the business unit (cumulative for all the payers). Though this method cannot point the weak link, it is more accurate. 2 How to use WBO Measure Reference involvement 01 March 2008 Listed infra are the aggregate Invoice figures for a payer P1 Invoiced heart and soul $80,000 coin accredited $20,000 move over list $60,000 Unallocated Cash / Payments $15,000 Outstanding Revenue $45,000 Open bill = Invoiced sum total Cash Received Outstanding Revenue = OpenAmount Unallocated Cash / Payments Received US $45000 is the Outstanding Revenue from a Payer P1 Listed below is the complaint Details against Payer P1 care Date 1-Mar-2008 29-Feb-2008 28-Feb-2008 27-Feb-2008 26-Feb-2008 25-Feb-2008 24-Feb-2008 23-Feb-2008 22-Feb-2008 21-Feb-2008 20-Feb-2008 19-Feb-2008 18-Feb-2008 17-Feb-2008 16-Feb-2008 15-Feb-2008 14-Feb-2008 13-Feb-2008 bearing Amount $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 Cumulative armorial bearing Amount $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $55,000 DAYNUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 This chart shows that a mission of amount $55,000 against a Payer P1 which is greater that the outstanding revenue $45,000 from a payer P1is achieved after 18 days of billing counted from March 1, 2008. Thus the days billing outstanding that pass on be required to recoup the outstanding revenue is 18 days. 3 Hence the weeks billing outstanding that will be required to recoup the outstanding revenue will be calculated as follows WBO = DBO / 7 = 18 / 7 = 2. 57 Similarly, the WBO for each payer can be calculated. go through the calculated WBO figures for n Payers to be as follows Payer P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Pn WBO 4 2 15. 5 1. 5 1 0. 5 And the counseling is interested in the boilers suit WBO measure for a business unit or a territory. Method 1 boilersuit WBO can be calculated as the average of the WBOs of all the payers within the particular Business unit or territory. The overall WBO hence will be ? 1-N WBO N N = Total number of Payers The boilers suit WBO = (4 + 2 + 15. 5 + 1. 5 + 1 + 0. 5)/6 = 4. 09 The Overall WBO is 4. 9 even though the WBO for Payer P3 is 15. 5 4 Method 2 straight off let us consider the following(a) chart. Payer P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Pn WBO 4. 5 2 15. 5 3. 5 1 0. 5 compile revenue over the past 1 year ( In Millions) 0. 5 1 50 5 2 0. 2 ? 1-n (WBO X Acc. Rev) . 25 2 775 17. 5 2 0. 1 x The considerations of a business parameter, here the Accumulated Revenue over the past one year for each of these payers will alter the deliberate in which the WBO is to be measured from a management perspective. The management weighs payer P3 most 15 times more than payer P5 as the revenue accumulated from payer P3 is approximately 15 times more than that from payer P1. As the WBO for Payer P3 is luxuriously comp ared to the Overall WBO calculated in Method 1, the alternative to improve the calculation is to use a Weighted average of the WBO as opposed to the normal average. As per the impudently formula Overall WBO = ? 1-n (WBO X Acc.Rev) -? 1-n (Acc. Rev) Overall WBO = ( 2. 25 + 2 + 775 + 17. 5 + 2 + 0. 1) -(0. 5 + 1 + 50 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 0. 2 ) = 798. 85 / 58. 7 = 13. 61 The new Overall WBO is now closer to the WBO of the Payer P3 who is a major payer for the organization. 5 Method 3 Listed below are the aggregative Invoice figures for a single business unit Invoiced Amount $1. 50 Cash Received $0. 80 Open Amount $0. 70 Unallocated Cash / Payments $0. 20 Outstanding Revenue $0. 50 $0. 5 jillion is the overall outstanding revenue for the business unit Listed below is the overall Billing Details for the business unit Billing Date -Mar-2008 29-Feb-2008 28-Feb-2008 27-Feb-2008 26-Feb-2008 25-Feb-2008 24-Feb-2008 23-Feb-2008 22-Feb-2008 21-Feb-2008 20-Feb-2008 19-Feb-2008 18-Feb-2008 17-Feb-20 08 16-Feb-2008 15-Feb-2008 14-Feb-2008 13-Feb-2008 12-Feb-2008 11-Feb-2008 Billing Amount $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 05 $0. 10 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 07 $0. 00 $0. 05 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 05 $0. 00 $0. 80 $0. 00 $0. 02 $0. 00 $0. 10 Cumulative Billing Amount $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 05 $0. 15 $0. 15 $0. 15 $0. 15 $0. 22 $0. 22 $0. 27 $0. 27 $0. 27 $0. 32 $0. 32 $0. 40 $0. 40 $0. 42 $0. 42 $0. 52 DAYNUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 These charts show that a Billing of amount $0. 2 one million million which is greater that the outstanding revenue $0. 5 million is achieved after 20 days of billing counted from March 1, 2008. Thus the days billing outstanding that will be required to recoup the outstanding revenue is 20 days. Hence the weeks billing outstanding that will be required to recoup the outstanding revenue will be calculated as follows WBO = DBO / 7 = 20 / 7 = 2. 86 6 Based on the pros and cons of the various methods, every organization would study a method to measure its Weeks Billing Outstanding, which will form the baseline for their reporting. wherefore the management has to devise appropriate procedures to insert the required data to implement the selected method. 7